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Fauna rescue and release

During vegetation removal, more than 300 species/animals were recorded. Among them: frogs, toads, hedgehog, tatu-peba (peba armadillo), marmoset, hedgehog, opossum, bat, snakes, lizard, and others. More than 100 species nests, such as jandaia-de-testa-vermelha, burrowing owl, jacurutu, humming-bird and piculet were recorded.  These animals, as well as their nests, were taken to closed woods within enterprise region. Environment area continues to monitor and protect the fauna.

Endangered species

Some endangered species were found in the region. Giant anteater, lobo-guará (maned wolf), tatú-de-rabo-mole-grande (big soft-tailed armadillo) and guigós (marmosets in general) are some of them. These animals were recorded and are being monitored to protect specie.


Know some of vegetation species that have been removed from space, for enterprise installation:

Angico, Sucupira – Preta, Jequitibá, Pau-Óleo, Gameleira, Ipê Rosa, Jatobá do Ca, Pau- Terra, Capitão and Mamica-de-Porca


For 1 native species specific of Atlantic Wood

50 seedlings of the same specie shall be planted!

Seedlings will be planted within the whole area pertaining to enterprise. Are purchased for company installation was a degraded area used for cattle breeding and farming. With company's arrival, these areas will be recovered.


Bromeliads, orchids, some species of ferns and vines will be replanted.


During vegetation removal process, we collected the largest possible number of seeds and fruits, to assure reproduction of species that will be used in areas reforesting, assuring continuity of species that have been removed from location.

Degraded Areas Recovery Plan (DARP)

The whole purchased areas, as well as area that is being degraded, will be recovered in the future. Company is monitoring and complying with all its legal obligations, to protect environment. Joining Private Reservation of Natural Patrimony (PRNP) and Environmental Compensation and Legal Reservation, we have already acquired an area corresponding to 1,208 soccer fields. GA large part of them will be recovered and all of them will be monitored and protected.

Environmental gains

  • We purchased 158 hectares of native wood in Serra do Salitre and Patrocínio region to create Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony (PRNP). This is a protected area for environmental preservation.​

  • As a part of vegetation was removed for factory installation, we purchased 255 hectares in enterprise area and in Serra do Salitre region. This is an Environmental Compensation space, which is also protected.

  • Acquisition of 450 hectares of Legal Reserve, duly registered – area to be reserved, for environmental protection.

  • SNUC (National System of Conservation Units) law – obligation of 3.500 million of environmental compensation to be passed on to the state, to allow implementing and maintenance of Conservation Units (UC) – Federal Law 9985/00 and Federal Decree 4340/02 and State Decree 45.175/09.

  • We monitor existing fauna around enterprise, including endangered species in the region.

  • We study to enlarge our scientific knowledge about local fauna and flora.

  • We continuously monitor air, noise and water, inside and outside enterprise.

  • In 2016, we promoted several actions of Environmental Education Program. Lectures and environmental awareness activities were carried out at schools from Serra do Salitre and region.

  • Degraded Areas Recovery Program.

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